
Daniel Dăianu


Sunt comentarii privind relatia intre investitiile publice si deficitul bugetar ce intretin o neclaritate: se spune ca daca aceste investitii sunt in preajma deficitului bugetar, sanatatea finantelor publice nu ar fi primejduita. Este o teza curioasa, mai ales avand in vedere dimensiunea deficitului bugetar al Romaniei. Acest deficit s-a situat in ultimii doi ani la cca 6% din PIB, in conditiile in care cheltuielile de capital au fost taiate sever fata de cat fusesera programate pentru a reduce varianta sa cash. Mai jos sunt argumente de ce aceasta interpretare a relatiei intre deficit si investitii publice este incorecta.

In another text, I argued that AI does not alter economic logic/rationality, nor does it eliminate competition, income and wealth disparities among individuals and groups of people, or between societies/states (“Can AI change economic logic?” Hotnews and Contributors, January 28, current year). What public policies aim to do is to mitigate such disparities and derived social tensions within economies. Internationally, interventions are carried out by specialized international financial bodies such as the IMF, while in the EU, various stabilization mechanisms and structural and cohesion funds operate.

A related question is whether AI can prevent financial or economic crises. The almost automatic answer is no. Because AI does not change economic logic or rationality, and competition does not disappear. In other words, business/economic cycles do not vanish, whether we consider short and medium-term fluctuations in economic activity or longer-term ones generated by investment cycles and major technological breakthroughs that induce technological cycles.

Intr-un al text am argumentat ca AI nu modifica logica economica, nu elimina concurenta, discrepante de venituri si averi intre persoane si grupuri de oameni, intre societati/state (Poate AI schimba logica economica? Hotnews si Contributors, 28 ianuarie, a.c). Ce incearca sa faca politicile publice este de a atenua asemenea discrepante, tensiunile sociale derivate, in interiorul economiilor. Pe plan international opereaza interventii ale organismelor financiare internationale specializate, precum FMI, iar in UE diverse mecanisme de stabilizare si fonduri structurale de coeziune.

O intrebare corelata este daca AI poate preveni crizele financiare, economice. Raspunsul aproape automat este ca nu. Deoarece AI nu schimba logica, rationalitatea economica, iar competitia nu dispare. Altfel spus, ciclurile de afaceri/economice nu dispar, fie ca avem in vedere fluctuatiile de activitate economica pe termen scurt si mediu, sau altele pe termen mai lung, ce sunt generate de ciclurile investitionale si schimbarile tehnologice mari, de ciclurile tehnologice.

Debates on artificial intelligence (AI) have intensified greatly in recent years. The British government organized a high-level conference on this topic recently. Top officials from the EU and the USA consider AI among their priority policy orientations. Prominent Silicon Valley voices, major companies, are actively engaged in this debate. In Asia, AI is at the forefront of attention. At last year’s annual meeting of the Academia Europaea, Professor Helga Nowotny’s inaugural address and other lectures focused on AI. While the benefits of AI are widely acknowledged, deep concerns about its potentially harmful effects and the possibility of it spiraling out of control are also raised. Can AI be regulated without stifling innovation? Could AI address imbalances between needs and resources sustainably by bringing about abundance for all? This debate is particularly relevant given the significant disruptions of recent years, that have perturbed people’s lives and have led to a “cost of living” crisis with political ramifications.