
Lucian Croitoru


In this paper we show that monetary policies aiming at inflation targeting could not unwind global imbalances in an orderly manner if the GDP level is at potential and growth rates equal potential rates in deficit countries. Instead, as long as output is below potential, easing monetary policies could result in bringing global imbalances to pre-crisis levels. This outcome depends on the state of domestic demand in surplus countries. In the particular case of constrained domestic demand in countries with excess savings, monetary policy easing could result in currency depreciation and, thus, in higher exports and even larger excess savings

În ultimii 24 de ani, de câte ori au avut nevoie să reducă deficitele bugetare, guvernele României au apelat în primul rând la creșterea impozitelor. Calea sănătoasă, dar dificilă, a raționalizării cheltuielilor (tăiere selectivă, cu discernământ) a fost ocolită…