
Politică economică


Debates on artificial intelligence (AI) have intensified greatly in recent years. The British government organized a high-level conference on this topic recently. Top officials from the EU and the USA consider AI among their priority policy orientations. Prominent Silicon Valley voices, major companies, are actively engaged in this debate. In Asia, AI is at the forefront of attention. At last year’s annual meeting of the Academia Europaea, Professor Helga Nowotny’s inaugural address and other lectures focused on AI. While the benefits of AI are widely acknowledged, deep concerns about its potentially harmful effects and the possibility of it spiraling out of control are also raised. Can AI be regulated without stifling innovation? Could AI address imbalances between needs and resources sustainably by bringing about abundance for all? This debate is particularly relevant given the significant disruptions of recent years, that have perturbed people’s lives and have led to a “cost of living” crisis with political ramifications.

Dincolo de efectele Pandemiei si cresterea brutala a preturilor la energie, care au bulversat intreaga societate, necazurile economice ale Romaniei sunt legate, nu de ieri de azi, de deficite bugetare mari. Deficitul bugetar, pe componenta sa structurala, ne-a adus in situatia de a avea spatiu foarte limitat de manevra cand economia era in prag de recesiune adanca, dupa izbucnirea Pandemiei. Suspendarea regulilor fiscale in UE in perioada 2020-2022 a permis sa fie atenute suferintele cetatenilor, ale economiei, dar nu a inlaturat necesitatea de a face o corectie fiscala/bugetara de amploare in cativa ani –sa fie adus deficitul bugetar sub 3% din PIB in mod sustenabil, pentru a stabiliza datoria publica.